Cantus MM

International Music & Culture Festival Salzburg

Save the dates!

24th International CANTUS MM Music & Culture Festival
4th - 7th July 2024
25th International CANTUS MM Music & Culture Festival
3rd - 6th July 2025


The 366 years old Aula has hosted many famous componers within it's walls.
Inaugurated in 1654 by Prince Archbishop Paris Graf Lodron it witnessed the world premiere of Mozart's youth opera "Apollo et Haycinthos" in 1767. 
A few centuries and renovations later, it is our turn and great privilege to host our International Cantus MM Festival here. 

Aula Academica - Salzburg University 

Perform on one of the most prestigious stages in Europe! The Gala concert will take place in the Mozarteum’s historical Grosser Saal*. Experience the exceptional acoustics and exclusive atmosphere.
A unique performance you will not forget anytime soon…

* Due to the building´s renovations, the Mozarteum's Grosser Saal will be again available in 2025.

Grosser Saal Mozarteum

Landscaped by the archbishop Johann Ernst von Thun at the end of the 17th Century, the Mirabell Gardens are certainly one of the most popular outdoor venues in Salzburg.
Used as filming setting for the famous “Sound of Music” movie, it offers a beautiful bottom view on the fortress and is a well-loved place by the locals.
Seize your chance to perform in one of the most visited and romantic places in Salzburg!

The Mirabell Gardens

You will also have the chance to perform in the magnificent Salzburg Cathedral during an ecumenical service where you will be presenting the common piece “Song of Peace” as well as a sacred program specially selected by the artistic director for the occasion.

Salzburg Cathedral

When talking about Austria, one might mostly think about the ski runs. But we often forget to praise the beauty of the lakes that are spread across the country.
This optional excursion will give you the chance to admire some of those crystalline waters, overhung by the magnificent mountains all across the Salzkammergut region.
A little piece of paradise to reconnect with the beauty of nature…

Lake District Salzburg - Salzkammergut

The Cantus MM festival has been an annual rendezvous in Salzburg for over 20 years now. It contributed to the cultural enrichment of the city and keeps on bringing choirs, musicians and dancers from all over the world together on some of the most prestigious scenes of Salzburg. Between its attractive cultural program, its unique atmosphere and its dreamy surroundings, the International Cantus MM Music & Culture Festival is the perfect combination for your choir, orchestra or dance troupe!

We would like to thank all the participants, partners and volunteers who have made the International Cantus MM Festival the success that it is today.

As we firmly believe that culture and arts can make the world a better place, all the net proceeds of the festival are donated to different charity projects.

2023 Rote Nasen Clown Doctors
2022 Rote Nasen Clown Doctors
2019  Frauen Notfallhotline Salzburg - "Breaking The Silence"
2018  JoJo Vereinigung - Kindheit im Schatten. "Licht an - hier komme ich!"
2016-17 Gegen Armut in Salzburg / - "Menschen in Not eine Adresse geben."
2015 Aktion Leben Salzburg "überraschend.bunt.vielfältig"
2014 ...wenn die Krise Kinderopfer fordert!
2013  African Spirit - "Ein buntes Haus"
2012 Down-Syndrom Projekt "Yes, we can!"
2011 Sonneninsel Seekirchen
2010 Straßenkinder Brasiliens / Schule Pindamonhangaba
2009 Das Österreichische Kinderspital in Armenien
2008  "CJD Asthmazentrum" Berchtesgaden
2007 Elterninitiative "Handicap kein Hindernis"
2006-05 Projekt "Regenbogen" der Salzburger Kinderkrebshilfe
2004 Bau der ersten europäischen Ambulanz für an Epidermolysis bullosa erkrankte Kinder (Schmetterlingskinder) Salzburg
2003 Kriegswaisenprojekt des chaldäischen Erzbischofs von Basra, Irak
2002 Kinderkrebsklinik für Tschernobylwaisen in Kiew, Ukraine
2001 Kinderhaus Aigen


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